Question asked on Aug 24th, 2014
Q: Finding a loved one dead, or finding out that they have died, may be the most traumatic of life experiences. I’d like to avoid that by being able to tell friends and family of my plans, so that we can spend time together beforehand, and that they have time to cope. If I do this, will my family get into legal trouble for not trying hard enough to stop me? The alternative of me saying nothing seems cruel beyond measure.
A: The short answer, in most States including Nevada, is “no.” “Assisted suicide” is a legal term of art, and simple knowledge does not qualify in most circumstances.
That said, please reconsider. I am just a lawyer, and not really qualified to have this conversation, but I strongly suggest that you go over the entirety of your thoughts and plans with a qualified professional — if nothing else, with the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-8255 (helps individuals in suicidal crisis within the United States to contact the nearest available suicide prevention and mental health service provider), or
And yes, one of the most common reactions to a suicide is anger on the part of the survivors. Please think calmly, and at length, and speak to someone more qualified to go over this with you than I am. I do know it can be difficult; just yesterday, I read something that I wish more people considering such thoughts might see — it is posted at
That you have concern for your friends and family pretty much reveals that there are those who do care, and that you care about them. That should count for something.
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