Availability as an Expert Witness in Family Law

Family Law Expert Witness: Marshal Willick

Mr. Willick is available to be hired as an expert witness in the areas of Nevada Family Law, retirement benefits, and certain related fields. Retirement and pension benefits includes military retirement, Civil Service/OPM benefits under CSRS, FERS, or the TSP, Nevada PERS benefits, everything dealing with ERISA, the REA, and QDROs, survivorship benefits under any private or governmental retirement plan, including the military Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), SGLI and VGLI insurance, and disability awards under all those retirement systems.

Experience as an Expert Witness

While most of Mr. Willick’s work as an expert witness has been on the question of standards of care and malpractice, for either plaintiff or defense counsel, Family Law touches so many areas that he has been hired to provide an expert opinion on marriage, divorce, and related topics by parties as diverse as the Airline Pilots Association, and the United States Internal Revenue Service, and on topics as diverse as the validity of premarital agreements, professional ethics, the adequacy of property settlement agreements, and the viability of palimony/cohabitation claims.

Experience as a Family Law Attorney

Mr. Willick’s many years of practice, authorship of books and papers, and extensive lectures on Family Law topics are partially recounted on his resume.  That experience and expertise has resulted in his qualification as an expert without serious challenge in every  forum where he has been asked to provide an opinion or testimony. He is available for either consultation or retention as an expert in any area in which he has expertise, at his usual rates as set out in our standard Retainer Agreement.

WILLICK LAW GROUP is proud of the reputation and standing of our Principal Attorney that permits him to undertake such work, and that his expert assistance has helped many parties achieve justice.


Marshal Willick’s Resume

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