Question asked on Dec 16th, 2014

Q: One of the reasons we got married was so that I could have health insurance but we missed the window to apply for it and now we have to wait another year (meaning I will have to do without insurance for another year and no I can’t get Obamacare–it’s useless in my case). We want to annul our marriage and then get remarried to reset the clock on when we can apply for my health insurance. Is this possible?


A: Short version, yes, but I express no opinion on whether it will achieve the result you desire (the “resetting the clock” thing, which is an insurance issue).  A straightforward Complaint for annulment, or in the alternative, divorce, could be filed and if uncontested, would presumably be summarily granted, but before you go re-setting your legal status to try to machinate insurance coverage, you might be better served by finding a good insurance agent and finding out if that is really the most efficient way to get you to where you want to go.

Marshal S. Willick