Question asked on Feb 13th, 2017
Q: Lost a great job , great pays my etc because my ex sent her bf to my work. This is the guy she cheated on me two years prior with. She’s brought him to ball games and all I did was shake his hand. He came to my work and started a fight . I was terminated “ naturally “ for fighting at work. It was 90 miles north of anything either of them ever go near. I made a lot of money with that job. She has money. A lot of money. He has not. I haven’t been able to get anything that pays anything near what I use to make and it’s been ten months. My decree was set up based on a certain amount and it’s backing up at a rapid pace. Is there anything I can do? I can’t afford to pay attention much less a lawyer these days. Help?
A: The facts are pretty unclear, and it is not even clear who was or is paying what to whom (child support? alimony? other?) or who is where (a Nevada decree? the parties are all still in Nevada? other?) Time is not your friend — generally modifications are not retroactive, so you should act quickly, but loss of a good-paying job is probably a “change of circumstances” for modification of existing orders. You should consult a family law specialist as soon as possible.
If you really cannot afford counsel, the local Pro Bono provider is the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada, which can be called at 702-386-1070 (or see their information on the web at,com_jcalpro/Itemid,3/extmode,view/extid,15/). Those that take pro bono cases take them after they have been screened, and assigned, by Legal Aid. The Reduced Fee Panel sponsored by the State Bar can be reached at 702-382-2200. Additionally, there are free consultations offered on Thursdays at the self-help center; volunteer attorneys provide 15-minute consultations, for free, on family law questions. For those that wish to attempt self-representation, forms are available at the Clark County self-help center website, at