Question asked on Sept 18th, 2018
Q: we put down payment to purchase a house but my credit is bad, my girlfriend mother suggested to put it under her name so we did and we making payment every month to this mortgages now were not together what should i do to get half of the house and are sold it if it’s under her mother names and she refuse to sell.
A: While it is late now, it would have been possible to transfer ownership to the actual owners (i.e., you and your ex) while the loan stayed in the mom’s name. Hopefully, there is a clear paper trail showing whose money went where. The actual numbers and evidence make a difference, and it may be possible to have a court force a re-titling, or a “partition” to get your money back out of the house. You really need a consultation with a family law/real estate attorney to go over all of the facts and numbers, and figure out how to either negotiate, or litigate, a way of getting your money back. Time is not your friend, however, so do not put this off.