Legal Parameters for Forensic Service Providers
These are the materials provided for a CLE intended to provide a “Family Law 101” course for Mental Health Professionals in Las Vegas entitled “Legal Parameters for Forensic Service Providers” on October 5, 2012.
- Top level outline of topics for seminar
- Sub-outline “Constitutional Principles”
- Exhibits to “Constitutional Principles”
- Nevada Family Law 101
- Exhibits to Nevada Family Law 101
- Sub-outline “Financial Family Law”
- Exhibits to “Financial Family Law”
- Sub-outline “Relocations and Segue to MHP Role”
- Exhibits to “Relocations and Segue to MHP Role”
- Sub-outline “Law Relating to MHPs & Interaction with the Court System”
- Exhibits to “Law Relating to MHPs & Interaction with the Court System”