Question asked on Feb 16th, 2018
Q: In the state of NV in an uncontested divorce, could a judge allow the custodial parent (who is a stay at home mother of two) take significantly less (almost half) child support (and no spousal support) to allow her move out of state with the children and back to where her family lives.
A: If the facts are as they may be, “yes.” Child support may be modified (per what are sometimes called “deviation factors”) for a number of reasons, one of which is “The cost of transportation of the child to and from visitation if the custodial parent moved with the child from the jurisdiction of the court which ordered the support and the noncustodial parent remained.” For a much more in-depth explanation of Nevada child support, click here. if you have specific questions about your particular situation and court order, you should consult a family law specialist.