Question asked on Sept. 25, 2020

Q: I’ve had custody of my son since birth 13 years now. His dad has been not in the picture maybe once a year. We been through mediation once which he has refused contact with my son. Not sure how he lives but I do the best I can my kids don’t complain. But now out of the blue he served me wanting full custody. Yes he pays child support barely maybe 60 dollars a month if that sometimes none at all. I’ve never denied my son of his father. But now I feel my heart has been taken cause now the dad wants my son. Mind of the fact his last encounter with my son was 2 years ago.

A: There is probably some “back story” which is not entirely clear; it is bizarre, and unlikely, for a parent absent for years to drop in out of the blue and request custody.  You should probably review the relevant information and tests for both child custody and child support at the two links in this sentence (the child support laws changed in February), and then you should definitely consult with a family law specialist to evaluate the current motion and go over all of your rights, obligations, risks, and options.