Question asked on Nov. 24, 2019
Q: I have full custody of my daughter, my ex husband has visitation on 2nd and 4th weekend from Friday at 5 til sun at 6, it was not stipulated in court order who is responsible for transportation he has always picked her up and dropped her off, now he is refusing to bring her home. What do I do?
A: The obvious thing to do would be to file a motion with the family court for clarification. Or you could seek to mediate the issue through the Family Mediation Center. Before doing either, the local rules require you to make some effort to resolve the dispute, so you should probably write a letter or email, in calm, neutral language, suggesting what you think is an appropriate solution and requesting a response. A refusal on the other side to resolve it permits you to seek attorneys fees, if you have to hire a lawyer to pursue the matter.