MLAW Web App

What is it?
MLAW Interest and Penalties Calculator is a web-based program designed to provide interest calculations for existing judgments and arrears, as well as child support penalties calculations.



What is it?
MLAW Interest and Penalties Calculator is a web-based program designed to provide interest calculations for existing judgments and arrears, as well as child support penalties calculations.
Why You Need It:
Figures interest to date on any lump sum or periodic arrears.
Calculates child support penalty in accordance with NRS 125B.095.
Automatically updates and accounts for all statutory interest rates to date.
Can dramatically increase the amount of your judgment.
Under NRS 99.040(1), the calculation and recovery of interest is required as a matter of right, is not discretionary, and only requires determination of the rate of interest, the time it commences to run, and the amount to which interest applies; the program does the work for you!
What’s New In Version 4:
MLAW Interest and Penalties Calculator is now accessible at the office, at home, or in the courtroom via any computer or mobile device with internet capabilities.
New and improved user interface for easier navigation and tabulation.


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