
Vol. 21 — E-Filing Problems

A legal note from Marshal Willick about the wrong turns being taken in the automation of the courts, as to e-filing and video records. ........................................................... The medical maxim “The first thing is, do no harm” applies in many...

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Vol. 17 — Updates on Prior Notes

A legal note from Marshal Willick updating prior items. ........................................................... When these notes go out, I sometimes get a lot of feedback, including inquiries as to how developing matters played out. As it’s been most of a year...

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Vol. 14 — Schwartz & Alimony

A legal note from Marshal Willick about how common sense in some alimony determinations is now mandatory. ........................................................... In Schwartz v. Schwartz, 126 Nev. 87, 225 P.3d 1273 (Adv. Opn. No. 8, Mar. 4, 2010), the Nevada...

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Vol. 10 — Feral Paralegals

A legal note from Marshal Willick about how feral paralegals are roaming the legal landscape, making practice harder for actual lawyers. ........................................................... I. THE PROBLEM We’ve noted some disturbing trends relating to...

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Vol. 9 — Modest Proposal

A legal note from Marshal Willick about a modest proposal* for improving the handling of family law cases in the Nevada Supreme Court. ........................................................... The Justices of the current Nevada Supreme Court are bright,...

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Vol. 8 — Landreth

A legal note from Marshal Willick about how determining jurisdiction in cohabitant cases just got a lot harder – unnecessarily. ........................................................... In Landreth v. Malik, 125 Nev. Adv. Op. 61, 221 P.3d 1265 (Adv. Opn. No. 61,...

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Vol. 7 — Ogawa

A legal note from Marshal Willick about how 8 = 6, if the Nevada Supreme Court says it does (and a reminder invite to our open house on January 6). ........................................................... In Ogawa v. Ogawa, 125 Nev. 660, 221 P.3d 699 (Adv. Opn. No....

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Vol. 6 — Garner

A legal note from Marshal Willick about Garner, rogue attorneys, fraud on the court, and whether represented parties must now sign consents to orders (and an invite to an open house). ........................................................... A Memo on Garner's...

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Vol. 5 — Peremptory Challenge

A legal note from Marshal Willick about how the Nevada Supreme Court has just half fixed a problem, and missed an opportunity to do a lot better. ........................................................... On November 10, 2009, the Nevada Supreme Court amended SCR...

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