
Vol. 37 — QDRO Masters

A legal note from Marshal Willick about our new QDRO Masters service, how lawyers can get family law questions answered, and an invitation to our second free music open house. ........................................................... This firm receives many requests...

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Vol. 36 — Judicial CLEs (2)

A legal note from Marshal Willick about the current inadequate state of substantive education of the family court and other judiciary, and how it should be improved. This note follows the discussion in legal note No. 33 of how to make CLE for lawyers more meaningful,...

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Vol. 34 — Shrinks Gone Wild

A legal note from Marshal Willick about ensuring that the input of psychologists is restricted to a correct – and quite limited – place in making child custody and relocation decisions. ........................................................... A recent case has...

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Vol. 27 — More on E-filing

A legal note from Marshal Willick about further developments regarding e-filing and video hearing records ........................................................... On July 27, 2010, the Clark County Chief Judge announced a prospective reduction in e-filing fees,...

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Vol. 24 — Judicial Selection

A legal note from Marshal Willick about the necessity of altering our method of judicial selection. ........................................................... Adopting the Missouri plan for appointing judges and holding retention elections is the only rational thing...

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