7 Frequently Asked Questions About Federal Pensions
If you are married to a federal civilian or military employee, it is critical that you learn as much as you can about the federal pension plans in which your spouse participates. Beyond doubt, such knowledge is incumbent upon someone considering a dissolution of...
Steps to Getting Alimony After a Divorce Has Already Been Finalized
Divorce is one of the lowest moments in any person’s life. This is when everything does not go as you had hoped when you were signing the marriage certificate. Once the divorce has been finalized, you may realize that your financial situation has rapidly deteriorated...
5 Misconceptions About Military Divorce You Should Know
Deciding that it is time to get a divorce is one of the most difficult decisions that a person will have to make, and while it is often the best solution if a couple is facing irreconcilable differences, this does not make the divorce process any easier. In fact,...
Who Gets Child Custody If Parents Are Not Married?
Not every couple bothers to get married. Some couples have happy, healthy long-term relationships without feeling the need to "make things legal." However, this can cause problems when a long-term couple splits up and there are children involved. In many cases,...
6 Signs You Hired the Wrong Lawyer for Family Law
It can be mentally and emotionally draining to go through a divorce, a custody battle, or any other legal battle. It's important to have a reliable, reassuring, and competent lawyer by your side throughout the process. While a good attorney can make the ordeal much...
How to Accurately Determine Custodial Time
Even after separation, parents are still responsible for their children's growth and development, and they'll do this by sharing the cost of raising the child and being present in their lives. But with the complications that come with divorce or separation, child...
Child Visitation and Custody in Nevada | Know Your Rights as a Stepparent
The idea of a family setup is often accompanied by the image of a husband and wife and their biological children. However, many families are more complicated than that these days. Unlike in the past, where divorce was somewhat frowned upon, today, it is a common...
COVID and Divorce in America, 2020: Statistics and What to Expect
Psychologists, sociologists, and family law professionals are closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on marriages. While some theorists originally embraced the idea that the pandemic would result in stronger bonds and a baby boom, current predictions are much more...
What Are Parental Rights Laws in Nevada?
The child adoption process can be a simultaneously joyful and stressful undertaking. At the other end of the spectrum, separation and divorce proceedings often involve emotionally charged disagreements over child custody and visitation rights. Both of these situations...
What are the Laws Regarding Parental Kidnapping in Nevada?
After a bad divorce, fights over child custody are common. Sometimes these fights can become very nasty indeed, and one possible outcome is parental kidnapping. The specific laws regarding this vary from state to state, but kidnapping laws in most states do cover...
How Divorce Impacts Your Retirement Benefits
Divorce destroys lives every day, there’s no two ways about it. It’s a horrible thing to go through for all involved parties, but it can get even worse when you have to divide assets between the partners. Many people are utterly shocked when they find out that their...
If you’re a person living on a civil service pension, and you’re facing a divorce case, you might be surprised to discover that your FERS or CSRS plan is brought into the proceedings as a potential divisible asset. It’s important to understand how these things work,...
Can Alimony or Child Support Payments Ever Be Changed?
Alimony, or spousal support, can be the most contentious part of many divorces. It’s distinct and separate from child support, which can be another difficult aspect to hash out. There are always arguments over alimony and spousal support, whether it’s fair at all, how...
Will I Qualify for a Nevada Divorce?
Nobody enters a marriage expecting it to end. After all, “till death do us part,” is an important part of the vows you take when you tie the knot. Unfortunately, 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce, and when the time comes, it can be stressful and difficult....
Common Misconceptions about Pre- and Post-Marital Agreements
Pre-nups: it’s a term that instantly creates tons of stress for many couples. While these agreements can be essential to protecting assets in case of a divorce, some couples also feel that it creates an assumption of failure. It can destroy the magic of the moment and...
Allocating Parental Rights after a Divorce
Divorce is a really hard thing to face. It tears entire families apart and ruins partnerships you once thought would last forever. The problems grow even worse when there are children involved. Child custody and parental rights can be some of the most contentious and...
Marshal S. Willick v. Jere Beery and Gene Simes Final Order Including Retraction
Final Order
Robert Scotlund Vaile California Appellate Decision
Decision on California Appeal 5-22-15 (00088961x7A582)