Ask The Lawyer

Should I go back to court over custody?

Question asked on April 1, 2021 Q: My daughter who is 11 goes back and forth every week from my house to her father's. We have had this agreement for 2 years. She cannot converse with them how she feels since they constantly yell at her and have also went to the point...

How do I get a quick divorce?

Question asked on March 31, 2021 Q: I need a quick divorce. A: Normally, "fastest" would be to contact competent counsel, go over whatever is involved to look for problems that could slow you down/cause problems in advance, and have the appropriate paperwork...

Can I Appeal a Judgement That Hasn’t Been Signed Yet?

Question asked on March 9, 2021 Q: The judgement has not been signed by judge or filed. I want to appeal because I was ordered to pay medical bills that were already settled in child support, but she re-submitted again in custody court. The judgement was in San...

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